US and UK airstrikes on Houthis in Yemen after the attack in Red Sea

Coalition forces of US and UK airstrikes on Houthis in Yemen after repeated hijacking attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea route. The attack was initiated in the morning as per IST (Indian Standard Time), it was a lethal attack, ballistic missiles, and drones were used in a massive amount. Heavy explosions were reported in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a and the port city of Al Hudaydah.  The airstrikes by the US and UK, aimed at destroying Houthi bases in Yemen, have further escalated the conflicts in the area in the midst of the Israel-Hamas war.

According to Houthis, there are no casualties so far at their end, but they are in full rage. They have promised retaliation and revenge from Saudi Arabia and Qatar as their airspace was used to attack By US aircraft. They have claimed that they have already attacked the US bases in Syria but there is confirmation from the US.

On the other hand, Oman is completely playing safe in this war, Oman declared to do whatever it wants to the US and UK but does not use their airspace for attacks as they do not want to have any enmity with Houthis in Yemen.

Houthi rebel attacks on the Red Sea leads to US and UK airstrikes on Houthis in Yemen

Recently, Iran confirmed that a ship named MV Saint Nicholas, it is a US-controlled Greek-operated tanker carrying about 1.5 lakh tonnes of oil was going from Iraq to Turkey. In the north of Oman, it was taken by Houthis. After that, tensions increased, Last week, US also gave the warning to Yemenese to stop all this nuisance, but no action was taken.

The United States and the United Kingdom joined forces to launch a retaliatory attack against Iran-based rebel group Houthis in Yemen shortly after the group claimed responsibility for a string of attacks against cargo ships and vessels travelling through the Red Sea.

All about Red Sea

The Red Sea is located between the northeastern part of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. It is connected to the Indian Ocean through the Bab el Mandeb strait to the south.

The Red Sea is approximately 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers) long and varies in width from roughly 124 miles (200 kilometers) at its widest point to about 10 miles (16 kilometers) at its narrowest.

Several countries have coastlines along the Red Sea, including Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Jordan.

Who are Houthis in Yemen?

The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah (Supporters of God), are a rebel group based in Yemen. The movement originated in the northern part of Yemen in the early 1990s and gained prominence in the 2000s. The group’s ideology is rooted in Zaidi Shia Islam, a branch of Shia Islam that is predominant in northern Yemen.

The Houthi movement was founded by Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, a Zaidi Shia cleric, in the 1990s. The movement initially emerged as a response to what the Houthis perceived as marginalization and discrimination against their community by the Yemeni government.

The movement gained prominence in the early 2000s when it began a series of uprisings against the Yemeni government led by then-President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The conflict escalated, leading to several rounds of fighting between Houthi rebels and Yemeni government forces.

In 2015, a coalition of Arab states, led by Saudi Arabia and with the support of the United States, intervened militarily in Yemen to counter the Houthi rebels.

It is a matter of international security, and it can have adverse effects on the prices of oil in future. So, to control this grave situation, Houthis should be nabbed by authorities. US and UK airstrikes on Houthis in Yemen after the attack in Red Sea is definitely the first step.

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