Sensation due to double murder in Palghar, mentally ill man killed 2 people with a spade, arrested

Sensation due to double murder in Palghar, mentally ill man killed two people with a spade, arrested. A sensational case of double murder has come to light in Kudan village of Boisar area of ​​Palghar district of Maharashtra. Here a mentally disturbed person brutally murdered two people by cutting them with an axe. It is being told that when people raised an alarm after the incident, the accused ran away. Now the police arrested the accused from an earthen pond in the nearby forest area.

Actually, an unknown person was roaming in suspicious conditions in Kudan village of Palghar district for the last three-four days. According to local people, the young man was posing as a mental patient. Therefore, no one paid him any attention, but on Thursday the young man suddenly attacked an elderly person with an axe, brutally murdered him, and kept sitting near his dead body.

Meanwhile, when the deceased’s brother reached, searching for him, the accused attacked him with an axe, one after the other, and he also died on the spot. It is being told that after the incident, the accused had also attacked the door of another person with an axe outside his house. Meanwhile, police also reached the spot, after which around 150 additional police forces were also called.

Sensation due to double murder in Palghar by mentally ill man

The accused, identified as Kishor Kumar Mandal, had hid in a nearby mud pond after committing the crime.

When the search operation started, the young man was hiding in the swamp; he was forcibly pulled out by the police and arrested. Police say that the accused will be medically examined to determine whether he is mentally disturbed or not.

Punishment for mentally ill Murderers

In India, the law typically handles mentally ill individuals who commit murder through a combination of legal and mental health processes.

Similar to other jurisdictions, the Indian legal system requires that defendants are mentally competent to stand trial. The court must be satisfied that the accused person understands the charges against them and is capable of participating in their defense.

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) includes provisions for the insanity defense. Section 84 of the IPC states that a person is not criminally liable if, at the time of committing the act, they were suffering from a mental illness that prevented them from understanding the nature and consequences of their actions. In such cases, the accused can be acquitted.

If the accused person is found not guilty by reason of insanity, they are not released immediately. Instead, they are usually referred to a mental health review board, which assesses their condition and decides whether they should be detained in a mental health facility for treatment. The board includes a psychiatrist and a legal expert.


In cases where the accused person is found guilty but the court believes that they may be suffering from a mental illness, the court may order a mental health assessment. Depending on the outcome of the assessment, the court may decide to impose a sentence of life imprisonment or order mental health treatment as part of the sentence.

Death Penalty: The death penalty is still a legal punishment in India for certain types of murder, but it is not imposed on individuals who are deemed to be mentally ill or intellectually disabled. This is in line with the Supreme Court’s ruling that it is unconstitutional to execute such individuals.

It’s important to note that the law and procedures may vary depending on the specific state or jurisdiction within India. Additionally, mental health care and facilities may vary across different regions.

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