Police Seized Illegal Weapon Factory in Bulandshahr Uttar Pradesh

Police Seized Illegal Weapon Factory, on 22nd March Police received information about an illegal weapon factory from an informer. At night Phasu Police raided Bhaiyapur Village and arrested one person involved in making illegal guns and ammunition and one person involved in this illegal gun factory fled from there by taking advantage of the darkness of the night. Police still searching for him.

Police recovered 2 local 315 Boors guns and 2 bullets, 2 local 12 boors guns, and 4 bullets, 4 unfinished guns, 2 used bullets of 315 boors gun. Police also recovered material used in making this kind of Weapons from the factory. The arrested person identifies as Sunil son of Chandra Pal, Address- Village Bhaiyapur District BulandShahr. Sunil had already 18 cases registered in his name.


What is the punishment to a person who is involved in illegal arms dealing in India?

Under the Arms Act, breaches can lead to strict punishments depending upon the type and severity of the violation:

1-Section 25 (1AA): Punishment for acquiring prohibited arms in contravention of Section 7. The convicted individual may face imprisonment for not less than ten years but extendable to imprisonment for life and a fine.

2-Section 25 (1A): Punishment for manufacturing, selling, transferring, converting, repairing, or testing prohibited firearms without a license. The punishment includes imprisonment for not less than seven years but extendable up to fourteen years and a fine.

3-Section 25 (1B)(a): Punishment for the acquisition, possession, or carrying of prohibited ammunition in contravention of Section 7. The punishment is not less than two years but extendable up to five years and a fine.

4-Section 26: Punishment for contravention of licensing provisions related to deals in arms and ammunition. The punishment for contravention of section 3, 4, 10 or 12 ranges from imprisonment of not less than six months but extendable up to seven years and a fine. The punishment for contravention of section 5, 6, 7 or 11 ranges from imprisonment of not less than five years but extendable up to 10 years and a fine.

Source: WWW.Freepik.com

 5-Section 27: Punishment for using arms or ammunition in contravention of Section 5 or Section 7. The punishment for contravention of section 5 ranges from imprisonment of not less than three years but extendable up to seven years and a fine. The punishment for contravention of section 7 ranges from imprisonment of not less than seven years but extendable up to life imprisonment and a fine.

6-Section 30: Punishment for contravention of licensing provisions relating to the shortening of gun barrels or conversion of imitation firearms into firearms. The punishment involves imprisonment which may extent to six months, or a fine, or both.

Source: WWW.Freepik.com

It is essential to note that in all these cases, the court has the discretion to impose the most suitable punishment considering the specific facts and circumstances of the case

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