Bhartiya Janta Party: History, Rise, developments and controversy

Bhartiya Janta Party

Bhartiya Janta Party, is one of the major political parties in India. It’s known for its ideology of Hindutva, which emphasizes the cultural and religious heritage of India’s majority Hindu population. The party advocates for nationalism, social conservatism, and economic liberalism. It has been in power multiple times at the national level, with its most … Read more

Indian National Congress- inception, History, Evolution, Developments and Controversies

The Indian National Congress (INC) is one of the oldest and most prominent political parties in India. It played a pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule. Founded in 1885, the INC initially served as a platform for educated Indians to voice their concerns to the British government. Over time, it … Read more

Lok Sabha- “House of the people” of India- History, Significance and major changes

Lok Sabha

The Lok Sabha, translated as the “House of the People” in English, is the lower house of India’s Parliament. It is one of the two houses of the Parliament, the other being the Rajya Sabha, or the “Council of States.” Members of the Lok Sabha, known as Members of Parliament (MPs), are directly elected by … Read more

EVM- History Manufacturing advancement and controversy

EVM- History Manufacturing advancement

EVM- History Manufacturing advancement, EVM or Electronic Voting Machines, is a crucial component of India’s electoral process. They have been used in Indian elections since the late 1990s to enable electronic voting and facilitate faster and more efficient counting of votes. EVMs are designed to enhance the accuracy and transparency of the voting process while … Read more

Has India become rape capital of the world?

Has India become rape capital of the world?

Has India become rape capital of the world? Over the years, India has done immense development almost in all sectors whether it is defence, technology, health and education. Unfortunately, the only thing which has not changed over the years is the increasing rapid rate of rapes. Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in … Read more