Man killed his mother under the influence of Alcohol

Man killed his mother under the influence of Alcohol, on 2 March Jitender Kumar son of Ramesh Chandra filed a complaint that his Aunt Usha Devi wife of the late Krishna Kumar age 60 from the neighbourhood Gandhi agar town Bharthana District Etawah fought with Son Harsh son of Krishna Kumar. Under the Influence of Alcohol, Harsh strangled her mother in a fight. On the way to the Hospital, Usha Devi was dead.

Man killed his mother under the influence of Alcohol: Police action against Culprit

On 3 March Bharthana Police team received information that the Culprit was looking to escape the town. Police checked every Vehicle to Arrest the culprit and police Received information that Harsh was travelling towards the Bharthana Railway Station and Seen in Mona Crossroad. After receiving an information Police Arrested Harsh from the Shop near at Railway Station Gate at 1.20 PM.

After the Arrest Culprit told the Police that his wife Jyoti went parents’ home one and half months ago. On 1st March, His mother and son were at home at 4 PM he asked for money for expenses and his mother denied him. Harsh fought with her mother and strangled her from his throat. Usha Devi fell unwell. after that, they went to the Isha Panday Hospital Barthana on the way to the hospital Usha Devi was dead.

Man killed his mother

Punishment for murder in India?

In Section 302 IPC, there is not any specific mention of any of the three punishments with the direction to the crime of murder. It means the section is silent on when the above-mentioned punishments will be given to an individual committing murder.

The three main essentials, as per section 302 IPC, are

  • The act of murder done by an individual should be to kill all to cause death.
  • The act of murder, which is done by an individual, should be done to cause anybody injury, which may be likely to result in death.
  • If the act of murder is done with the knowledge that it is going to cause that death.

All the above-mentioned will be considered essential ingredients to fulfil the act of murder.

Section 302 IPC talks about the punishment which is given for the offence of murder. However, in section 300 of the Indian Penal Code, the offence of murder has been described. And Section 302 IPC talks about the legal provision which provides punishment for this heinous crime.

This Part expresses that an individual carrying out a homicide will be rebuffed with capital punishment or life detainment and be responsible for paying a fine. This Part stretches out to everybody regardless of their sex. It even applies to a local official who, because of narrow-minded goals, kills somebody. The IPC doesn’t absolve anybody from the offence of homicide.

Section 302 IPC plainly states, “Whoever carries out murder.” Further, the offence of homicide is non-bailable and non-compoundable.This Part discusses two sorts of discipline: capital punishment and life detainment. If one of these disciplines is forced, the wrongdoer will likewise be at risk of paying a fine. Capital punishment, detainment, and fines are additionally referenced in Segment 53 of the IPC, which discusses the sorts of discipline.

What is a death sentence under Section 302 IPC? 

Section 302 IPC talks about the death sentence, which is given to the individual for committing an offence of murder. Anyone who commits murder is given the punishment of the death sentence under Section 302 IPC.


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