Ruckus in American universities, students are protesting by leaving classes

Ruckus in American universities, students are protesting by leaving classes. These days, American universities have become a hub of protests leaving aside studies. Hundreds of students are protesting on various campuses across the US, including the prestigious Columbia University, Yale, New York University and MIT.

Their demands include a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, a freeze on US military aid to Israel, a ban on arms suppliers and other companies profiting from the war from investing in the university, and strong action against the ongoing genocide in Palestine.


However, Israeli supporters are concerned about the security of the university campus. He has alleged that American university campuses are promoting anti-Semitism, threats and hate speech. “Students have the right to protest, but they are not allowed to disrupt campus functions or harass and intimidate students,” said Ben Chang, Columbia’s vice president of public affairs.

Some of the pro-Palestinian protesters are students and teachers from diverse backgrounds, including Jewish and Muslim religions. Groups organizing the demonstrations include pro-Palestinian students and teachers. Among them there are some Jews who do not agree with the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu government. At the University of California, Berkeley, pro-Palestinian students and their allies have set up about 15 tents, The Mercury News reports.

Various types of teachings, interfaith prayers and music concerts are being organized in these camps.

Most of the demonstrations are taking place at Columbia University. More than 100 pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested here last week. On Monday, there were reports that the campus gates were closed to anyone without a school ID. The protesters were holding placards that read “Israel must be destroyed.” Columbia, citing safety as its top priority, also announced that courses at the Morningside campus will offer virtual options to students whenever possible.

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