The greatest of all time movie review

The greatest of all time movie review, Thalapathy Vijay movie present the world of Gandhi who is the greatest Spy in india but he is struggling in his personal Life. The Greatest of All Time is a story of a special agent who loses his son during a mission, which ends his marriage and professional career. But when the son, who was presumed dead, returns, he brings with him a whole lot of problems, and Gandhi has to return to his squad to face his worst foe. Ironically, what could have been a liability in GOAT ends up becoming a strong aspect.

The Greatest of All Time, Gandhi (Vijay), the ‘GOAT’ of India’s Special Anti Terrorism Squad (SATS), is on a mission to obtain some information from some server in some star hotel in Thailand. Gandhi and his colleague Kalyan (Prabhudheva) spot a girl who is supposed to have the access card to the server, and the two obtain it in a swish. Even taking money out of an ATM needs a bit more effort than that. The specifics are of no importance here. The whole sequence is a set-up for the eventual payoff: Vijay flying out of the building in a parachute, like Batman.

Source: X.Com

Diving into the project in a father-and-son dual role, Vijay carries The Greatest of All Time, patchy at the best of times, on his shoulders. He navigates the hurdles that are inevitable in a film as over-plotted as this with customary flair, if not with consistent success.

Source: X.Com

the actor Vijay takes centre-stage in a scene where his character faces a major loss. But it’s arguably Jeevan who steals the show (and probably hence the name), and it’s a blast to see Vijay as a young adult, complete with antics we have long loved. Without entering the spoiler zone, it’s safe to say that Vijay has pulled off a role he rarely succeeded in with his past attempts.

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