Vaishali police Arrested 5 men involving Extortion case

Vaishali police Arrested 5 men involving an Extortion case. On 4 February Businessman received a call on WhatsApp in which the caller threatened and demanded extortion money or they would shoot the businessman. Sadar Police Station registered an F.I.R. in this case and Police made a special team to investigate this case.

Vaishali police Arrested 5 men

In the Investigation Police Found out the mastermind behind this extortion gang was in Jail in Kolkata. His name is Nirantak who involved in many cases in West Bengal and Bihar. Police arrested 5 men who were involved in an extortion case. One of them is named Naveen who had a criminal history in Bihar. Police recovered Weapons and Knifes in their Investigation.

extortion crime is punishable under which section in indian?

Extortion is the unlawful exaction of money or property through intimidation or coercion. In earlier times, threats of violence and blackmail were probably the two most popular ways to extort a person. Extortion was typically carried out by gangs who forced businessmen to pay up or to face the consequences.

Modern age extortion is cyber-extortion where threat and unpleasant consequences involve the disclosure of an organisation’s information or an attack on a company’s electronic infrastructure. If someone can hack into a business system and steal data, he or she can threaten to delete or release the data unless the business pays up.

The term ‘Extortion’ is defined under Section 383 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 as “ When someone intentionally puts any person in fear of any hurt to that person, or any other person and thereby, deceitfully induces the person so put in fear to hand over that person’s  property, or any valuable security or anything signed and sealed which may be changed into a valuable asset commit, extortion.” In short, it can be said that extortion is forcing someone to transfer his or her treasures through force or threat to cause harm. It is a wrongful loss to the property holder and wrongful gain to the extortioner.

Section 385 IPC

Section 385 of the IPC states that if someone putting or attempting to put any person under threat of fear or harm or injury to commit extortion shall be punished with an imprisonment of two years or shall be charged with a fine or with both. The offence under this Section is cognizable. The offence is bailable and triable by any magistrate. This offence is non-compoundable.

Section 386 IPC

Section 386 states that anyone putting any person in fear of death or in fear of grievous hurt to that person or others shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to ten years and also be punishable with a fine. The offence mentioned under this Section is cognizable, non-bailable, non-compoundable and triable by the magistrate of the first class.

Section 387 IPC

Section 387 states that any person who commits extortion, puts or attempts to put someone in fear of any grievous hurt or death to that person or any other individual shall be punished with imprisonment up to seven years, and also charged with a fine.

Section 388 IPC

Section 388 states extortion through the threat of false claim of an offence is punishable with ten years and with a fine. Accused extort money by setting any person in fear of a false accusation against that innocent person or other people

Example: C called D and said C will register a false complaint that D murdered someone if one lakhs is not given by D to him.D instantly paid that amount. Here, C will be punishable under Section 388.

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