Valentine Week 2024: 7 February to 14 February

Valentine Week, spanning from February 7th to February 14th is a vibrant celebration of love and romance. Each day of this enchanting week carries its significance and is celebrated globally in different shades and colours. Couples eagerly wait for Valentine’s Day to celebrate their love and affection for each other. There is a list and significance of each day.

Valentine Week

7th February is Rose Day: it is a day when you can gift your loved ones a bouquet of red roses to show your love and passion. Friends can also exchange yellow and pink roses to express their positivity and to make their friends feel special.

8th February is Propose Day: This day implies a day when you can confess your love and feelings to each other. Your heartfelt confessions can embark a new journey of selfless love towards your partner.

9th February is Chocolate Day: Exchanging or giving a box of chocolates which is a sign or expression of warmth and intimacy. Exchanging chocolates with each other speaks volumes beyond the confessions of love and is also a sweet gesture that is appreciated.

Valentine Week

10th February is Teddy Day: Cuddly and cute Teddy bears always have been the best gifts that evoke the feelings of joy and happiness. Not only teddy bears, but you can offer your partner any plush toys that can provide them joy.

11th February is Promise Day:  On this day, couples can give sincere promises and vows to each other to make their relationship stronger and deeper.

12th February is Hug Day: A warm hug on this day to your partner or spouse is a way to show your support, it also indicates how much you love each other.

13th February is Kiss Day: Seal the deal with a small and passionate kiss which symbolizes the deep emotions of love. People exchange passionate kisses on this day to celebrate their purest form of love which also is a symbolic form of the flame of passion and desired intimacy between the couples which feels secure in a relationship.


14th February is Valentine Day: Valentine Day is the final day or the valentine week, when couples go for a date Valentine’s Day exudes the essence of deep feelings of love, togetherness, warmth, and intimacy which is important in every relationship.

Nevertheless, everybody should celebrate everyday with love and always express their feelings to their loved ones. “Every day is Valentine Day”.

Story of St. Valentine

The story of Saint Valentine is shrouded in legend and mystery, and there are several different accounts of who he was and what he did. One of the most popular legends dates back to ancient Rome during the rule of Emperor Claudius II around the 3rd century AD.


According to tradition, Valentine was a Christian priest in Rome during a time when Christianity was persecuted. Emperor Claudius II had banned marriages for young men because he believed that single men made better soldiers. However, Valentine defied the emperor’s orders and continued to perform marriages for young couples in secret.

When Claudius discovered Valentine’s actions, he ordered that Valentine be imprisoned and sentenced to death. While in jail, Valentine reportedly fell in love with the jailer’s daughter, who visited him during his confinement. Before his execution, it is said that Valentine sent her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that has become synonymous with the holiday.

Another legend suggests that Valentine was imprisoned for helping Christians escape harsh Roman prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured. During his imprisonment, he reportedly healed the daughter of his jailer, and again, before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine.”

Valentine was eventually martyred on February 14th, around the year 269 AD, and his death is commemorated as Saint Valentine’s Day. Over time, his story became associated with love and romance, leading to the modern celebration of Valentine’s Day as a day to express affection for loved ones.

While the historical accuracy of these stories is uncertain, Saint Valentine’s Day has endured as a celebration of love, friendship, and affection for centuries.


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